HCF is Australia’s largest not-for-profit health insurer and returns significantly more to members than the industry average of other health insurers.
Our ‘More for you’ programs reduce or eliminate out of pocket expenses: for teeth, for backs, for muscles,
for eyes, for hearing aids and for feet for members with an eligible level of cover and available limits.
To apply, download the
application for More for you programs. If you are already an HCF participating
More for you program provider, email
us to update your details.
More for Backs
More for Backs, each year, provides eligible members with a fully covered initial consultation
for eligible musculoskeletal conditions, whether for a new health condition or flare
up of an existing condition, with participating chiropractors and osteopaths.
More for Feet
More for Feet, each year, fully covers a comprehensive service for a new episode
of care to members each year who hold eligible extras cover with participating podiatrists.
More for Muscles
More for Muscles, each year, provides eligible members with a fully covered
initial consultation each year with a participating physiotherapist for a New Episode
of Care.
More for Teeth
More for Teeth provides eligible members on selected levels of cover a range of fully covered diagnostic and preventative dental services for the
whole family, our More for Teeth program gives your patients another reason to smile.
This program is available through over 7,000 participating
dental providers in regional NSW South Wales, ACT, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and
Western Australia; as well as HCF Dental Centres located in metropolitan Sydney.
Plus, if you’re a More for Teeth dental provider, BookNow lets you display your booking availability across 2 leading health platforms:
1. HCF’s website and app
Over 450,000 searches for a dentist each year.
2. HealthShare.com.au
Used by over 10 million people every year searching for health care providers.
For more information, see HealthShare Dental.
More for Eyes
More for Eyes provides eligible members who hold eligible extras cover access
- free eye health checks through the use of digital retinal imaging and
- a range of fully covered glasses, depending on members’ health cover and available optical limit.
More for Eyes Provider Log In.
More for Hearing
The More for Hearing program provides eligible members with access to a range of high quality hearing aids at no gap or low gap depending on level of cover.