Results vsrisks of the procedure

Nasal turbinate surgery is a commonly performed ear, nose and throat surgery.


Although modern endoscopic techniques have made nasal surgery more efficient and reduced the risks of complications, there’s currently no consensus among doctors about the best way to solve the problems caused by enlarged turbinates.

Satisfaction with turbinate surgery ranges from 82–96% for modern endoscopy techniques.


As with any medical procedure, there are some potential risks. The chance of complications depends on the type of procedure you’re having and factors like your general health.

Risks of nasal turbinate reduction include:

  • bleeding
  • adhesions (scar tissue)
  • ongoing blockage.

Ask your surgeon about the results and risks associated with your procedure. Also ask about their own rates of patient satisfaction and the rate of complications following the procedures they’ve performed.

Choosing a specialist

How to find an ear, nose and throat surgeon surgeon who specialises in your procedure.


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