Diabetes program: How it’s helped Joseph’s type 2 diabetes

Physical Health

Diabetes program: How it’s helped Joseph’s type 2 diabetes

Published August 2023 | 4 min read
Expert contributor Deepti Khatri, accredited practising dietitian and nutritionist, health coach at The COACH Program®
Words by Lucy E Cousins

Our diabetes management program with coaching support has helped Joseph make a life-changing step in his health and wellbeing journey.

When 77-year-old Joseph Oroszvari first picked up a brochure for The COACH Program® at his local HCF branch, he thought, "Oh, I'll be interested in that". Joseph has type 2 diabetes, and witnessed the effects of a stroke on his father, so knows that looking after himself is important.

"My father was two years younger than I am today when he had a stroke, and my younger brother had a fall and is in a nursing home," he explains. "He didn't have the opportunity I had with HCF cover."

Being active has always been important for Joseph, who studied at TAFE to be a personal trainer at the age of 65. But living on his own, he knew that he could do more and eat a little better, so finding out he was eligible to join The COACH Program® using his health cover seemed like a good idea. It was his first experience with telehealth.

"All the appointments were over the phone," he remembers, smiling. "That was a first, for me! But it has been really good."

For Joseph, the fact that the program was offered by HCF was the key factor in signing up for it. He’s been a member for over 50 years, having joined as a 20-year-old when he worked at Commonwealth Bank. He says he’s always felt supported by HCF through that time, and he continues to use HCF’s Dental and Eyecare centres.

What is The COACH Program®?

The COACH Program® is a four- to six-month coaching program provided free for eligible members. To be eligible for the program, you need to have been diagnosed with a heart-related condition or diabetes and have hospital cover that includes heart conditions and vascular system for at least 12 months.

The program is tailored for members who have:

  • coronary heart disease (if you have had a heart attack, stent, bypass or have blocked arteries identified during an angiogram)
  • had a stroke or TIA (transient ischaemic attack or "mini stroke" which has the same symptoms as a stroke but these disappear within 24 hours)
  • heart failure
  • diabetes
  • risk factors for cardiovascular disease like high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

You get regular phone check-ins (usually four or five sessions over six months) and written reports from your personally assigned health coach (an Australian-qualified dietitian, pharmacist or nurse). Your coach will work with you to help you reach the guideline-recommended targets for your health risk factors.

Small, effective changes

Joseph’s personal health coach from the program, Deepti Khatri, is also an accredited practising dietitian and accredited nutritionist. She began to focus on his exercise routines, encouraging him to try a broader variety of exercises.

"Now in the gym, I stretch first up, then I get on my stationary bike, use the cross trainer, treadmill and I do a little bit of boxing,” he explains. “And I've got a spin class every Wednesday morning at 6am."

When he’s not in the gym he’ll get on his bike and cycle along the beachfront near his home. Not bad for someone who has had two knee replacements. In fact, some days Joseph does upwards of 25,000 steps a day.

"I use an app called Garmin which has challenges and I work out three to seven times a week now," he says. "That’s what the COACH Program® does, it encourages you to push yourself a little."

Deepti also helped Joseph with his nutrition and food intake. Now, most of the recipes he uses come from the National Heart Foundation website or his consultations with Deepti.

"For breakfast, I like porridge with blueberries or blackberries, and walnuts. I have smoked salmon slices mid-morning and I have those prepared meals from the freezer section when I’m in a hurry, or a nice soup," he explains.

After six months of working with Deepti, Joseph says he now sleeps better and feels stronger. He also no longer needs to take the diabetic medication he was on previously.

A holistic health program with a difference

The COACH Program® isn’t just another diet, says Deepti, Joseph’s health coach. It’s about improving your overall heart health and reducing your risk of having more health issues down the track. The program covers eight risk factors: cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, nutrition, weight, alcohol, physical activity and smoking.

"With this program, coaches can help members increase their understanding about the guidelines and what targets they should be aiming for," she says.

"The program empowers members to be more proactive about looking after themselves and provides them with the confidence to speak with their doctors about their heart health," says Deepti. "It’s so important to double check that you are meeting all the latest guidelines, to reduce the risk of having another event."

Personalised coaching support

You can trust us to help you be your healthiest self. That’s why we've launched The COACH Program®. Delivered by qualified health professionals, this telephone support program is provided by health coaches, at no extra cost for eligible members* with heart conditions or diabetes.

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* To be eligible, members must have a heart-related condition or diabetes and must have had hospital cover that includes heart conditions and vascular system for at least 12 months. Excludes Ambulance Only, Accident Only Basic Cover and Overseas Visitors Health Cover. Clinical eligibility applies.

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