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- Finding your Third Space Struggling to achieve work-life balance? The Third Space may be the answer.
- Finding happiness in old age For generations we’ve been told that our best years are our adolescence and young adulthood. Perhaps it’s not surprising; for most of history, relatively few of us have lived through to the period we now think of as ‘old age’.
- The importance of friendships as you age Having friends is good for your health – that’s no surprise. But new research shows that as we get older, close ties with friends become more important than ever.
- Staying healthy on holidays These travel safety tips will ensure you stay healthy on holidays, including tips from food safety to travel vaccinations.
- Can gardening reduce your stress levels? Gardening can improve your mental and physical health. We find out how spending time in a garden can help you and how to get your own garden started
- Why do you get sick when you take a break? Getting ill the moment your holiday starts is common. We find out how to leave the stress and germs at home so you can enjoy your break.
- Can we prevent cyberbullying? How do we stop our children from being cyberbullied without taking away access to the internet? Here’s some suggestions for creating a safe space for your child online.
- How to move more at work Whether you sit or stand at work, finding ways to move more can deliver benefits, from preventing back pain to lowering your risk of chronic illnesses.
- First aid basics we should all know Accidents happen. Do you know how to help someone who’s injured? Learn how.
- Prescription meds It starts innocuously enough. You have your wisdom teeth out and are given an opioid like oxycodone for pain relief.
- The anti-vaccination movement: myths vs facts
- Medical tourism: what are the risks? The risks of travelling overseas for surgery, particularly cosmetic surgery. Does insurance cover you? And will you really save money?
- Childhood vaccination: The facts What you need to do to keep your child on track with the vaccination schedule, and the truth about vaccination side effects.
- Indigenous health: outback hero helps patients with kidney disease We talk to experts about the variations in e-cigarettes and examine the research around vaping side effects.
- Is vaping bad for you? We talk to experts about the variations in e-cigarettes and examine the research around vaping side effects.
- Serious conditions that can be missed Many serious conditions have vague or hidden symptoms. Here’s how to identify and screen for them.
- Knee surgery alternatives Knee replacement surgery may not be the best solution for painful osteoarthritis.
- Smoking – why quitting is so hard, and what to do about it Addiction specialist Professor Andrew Lawrence explains why it’s so tough – and what can help.
- The importance of oral health Dental hygiene isn’t just about teeth, good oral health can also help prevent a number of diseases.
- Dental health for every life stage How to look after your teeth, today and in the future.
- Beating lower back pain Your lower back does all the heavy lifting for your body so it’s important to look after your lumbar spine.
- Kidney disease: a silent killer
- Eye tests and check-ups for healthy eyesight To protect your eyesight and maintain good eye health, it’s important to have regular eyesight tests with a qualified optometrist. But how long does an eye test take and what types of things do they look for? Here’s what you need to know when getting your eyes checked.
- Diabetes: common signs and symptoms Are you thirsty, tired and spending a lot of time in the bathroom? These could be diabetes symptoms – but there are ways to treat and live with the condition.
- The simple new treatment for people with cancer If you have cancer, exercise might be the last thing you feel like doing. But research shows it could help you cope with treatments and more.
- Fact or fiction? 6 common dental health beliefs Dental hygiene tips from teeth experts, including how to avoid tooth decay. Regular brushing is vital for teeth, gums and overall health.
- Concussion in sport: the risks Concussions in sport are on the rise. We look into the possible long-term effects of multiple concussions plus how to spot concussion symptoms.
- Blood pressure checks Why it’s important to get your blood pressure checked regularly, what the normal ranges are and the most accurate tests, including ambulatory readings.
- How to lower your risk of dementia With these lifestyle changes you can help keep your brain in top shape and reduce your risk for dementia.
- From Botox to breast implants: The dangers of cosmetic surgery Are you considering cosmetic surgery? Here are the risks to weigh up before deciding.