Hospital Substitute Treatment Contracted Providers

We have contracts in place with a range of providers to give treatments at home to eligible members when we can make sure the treatment can be given safely and at the same, or better, quality than in hospital*. Our HST contracted provider list below is updated regularly. To be referred before, during or after your hospital stay, your treating team should contact one of our treatment at home providers. To find out more, please check out treatment in your own home.



PROVIDER NAME Website Email Phone   Service Area^
Better Rehab
Programs are delivered face-to-face or remotely via telehealth utilising specialised integrated software, or by a combination of both. The Rehabilitation program is delivered in your home and managed by a personally assigned physio who liaises with the Surgeon. Tel: (02) 7908 2826
Fax: (02) 8068 1946
Available in some parts of New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, South East Queensland, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia. Please call Better Rehab for more information about these programs and when you can expect to see them in your area.
Cabrini Health
03 9508 1222 Within 30kms radius of Cabrini Malvern. More details about this service area.
Golden Age Healthcare Tel: (02) 8355 1616
Approximately 35kms radius from Sydney CBD. Metro Sydney. More details about this service area.
Life Ready Mobile Tel: 1300 730 852
Victoria Metro Areas & Western Australia Metro Areas. More details about this service area.
Physio Inq
Post-operative recovery in the comfort of your own home, with a seamless experience with your surgeon and in-hospital team.  Built on evidence-based best practice, this program uses both face-to-face sessions and digital technology to help you recover and get back to living a life with less limits.
National customer service team: 1300 731 733
Service provided in a wide area around most capitals cities in: New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland and Western Australia. Please contact for further details. More details about this service area


Ramsay Connect
The Rehabilitation at Home program provides rehabilitation services following knee or hip replacement surgery in the comfort of your own home, including physio, nursing, occupational therapy and home care. 1800 799 732  







Service provided in a wide area around most capitals and some major cities in: Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia. Please contact Ramsay Connect for further details. More details about this service area.
Remedy Healthcare
A face-to-face rehabilitation program delivered at home. 1300 224 334 Service provided in a wide area around most capitals and some major cities in: Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland and Western Australia. Please contact Remedy for further details.
More details about service area.
Vitalis Health and Home Care

Vitalis Health offers a comprehensive rehabilitation program that prioritises in-person delivery of therapy within the comfort of your home, while also providing virtual sessions and harnessing digital and technological resources when appropriate
Mobile: 0405 069 234
1300 848 254
Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle, and Hunter Region. Please contact Vitalis for more information about service area.
Your Health Navigator
1300 145 126
Within 30kms radius from the CBD of Adelaide.
More details about this service area


PROVIDER NAME Website Email Phone   Service Area^
Cabrini Health
03 9508 1222 Within 30km radius of Cabrini Malvern. More details about this service area.
Ramsay Connect
The Reconditioning at Home program provides reconditioning services in the comfort of your own home for a wide range of medical conditions including fractures, mobility problems or falls, neurological conditions, respiratory conditions and cardiac conditions. 1800 799 732 




Service provided in a wide area around most capitals and some major cities in: Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia. Please contact Ramsay Connect for further details. More details about service area.


PROVIDER NAME Website Email Phone   Service Area^
Cabrini Health
03 9508 1222 Within 30km radius of Cabrini Malvern. More details about this service area.
Chemotherapy, and some immunotherapies delivered at home.
1300 466 324 Service provided in Western Australia, South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland.

Please check if chemo@home provides a service in your area by visiting their website ( and using the postcode checker for the most up to date list before arranging a referral.
Hospital in Your Home
+1300 00 HIYH
1300 004 494
press option #1+
50kms radius from the CBD of Cairns and Townsville and Sunshine Coast University Hospital.

Vitalis Health and Home Care

Vitalis Health will work with your specialist to develop an individual treatment plan for the infusion of your chemotherapy in your home. The Vitalis team will work closely with your referring specialist team to ensure everything is organised. Once you’ve provided your consent to receive the service, Vitalis will call to arrange a convenient time to bring the treatment to your home. You’ll also have access to 24/7 Registered Nurse after-hours telephone support for any concerns. Mobile:
0451 439 322
1300 848 254
Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle, and Hunter Region. Please contact Vitalis for more information about service area.

IV Antibiotics and Complex Wound Care

PROVIDER NAME Website Email Phone   Service Area^
Amplar Health

Hospital care in the privacy of your own home by Amplar Health. Our experienced team provides acute home care services that aims to allow people to leave hospital early and receive their care at home when clinically appropriate. Services are provided by qualified nurses and dietitians where necessary. To ensure continuity of care, you will also have access to an after-hours telephone line staffed by health professionals who can provide information and support. Contact Amplar Health for more information. 1800 854 300 Postcodes within South Australia, Queensland and Victoria. More details about this service area or contact Amplar Health for more information about service areas.
Hospital in Your Home
+1300 00 HIYH
1300 004 494 press option #1+
50kms radius from the CBD of Cairns and Townsville and Sunshine Coast University Hospital.
Mater at Home (07) 3163 1760
Queensland: Brisbane Metropolitan areas. Please contact provider for more information.
NBS Health Services
02 8104 1554
A wide area in Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle, Hunter Region, Wollongong and ACT. More details about this service.

More details about this service area.
Pop-up health 1300 858 047 Approximately 30km from Adelaide - North to Munno Para West following the nothern expressway to Outer Harbour, East to Surrey Downs and South to Aldinga and Willunga. Contact Pop up for information. More details about this service area.
Programmed Care 131 095 NSW Sydney Metropolitan and a wide area around most capitals in: Queensland, Victoria, and South Australia.
Remedy Healthcare
1300 734 224 A wide area around capitals and some regional areas in Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, and Western Australia.
St John of God Healthcare at Home
1300 475 442
In Victoria services are provided in Bendigo, Ballarat, Geelong, Berwick, and SE Melbourne.

In WA service is provided in metropolitan Perth including Mandurah, and Bunbury.

More details about this service area.
Vitalis Health and Home Care

Vitalis Health provides hospital subsitution treatment including IVAB, Negative Pressure and Complex wound management. The Vitalis team will work closely with your referring specialist team to ensure everything is organised. Once you’ve provided your consent to receive the service, Vitalis will call to arrange a convenient time to bring the treatment to your home. You’ll also have
access to 24/7 Registered Nurse after-hours telephone support for any concerns. Mobile:
0451 439 322
1300 848 254
Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle, and Hunter Region. Please contact Vitalis for more information about service area.
Your Health Navigator 1300 145 126 30kms radius from the CBD of Adelaide.

More details about this service area.


PROVIDER NAME Website Email Phone   Service Area^
Ramsay Connect

The Virtual Heart Failure program is a multidisciplinary health service designed to support people living with heart failure to effectively manage their condition in the home and community to reduce the rate of potentially preventable hospitalisations. 1300 131 186 




Available nationally (via Telehealth). Please contact Ramsay Connect for further details.
* Some hospitals may be able to offer treatment at home as part of your admission.  This is called Hospital in the Home (HITH).  If you are admitted to a hospital that is able to offer HITH to HCF members, they may arrange treatment at home as part of your admission.
^ Description of service area is approximate only. Please contact provider for further details about which areas they provide services to and whether a specific location is within their service area.
+ IV antibiotics at home only.